Adopt Me! scams - The Basics

Last updated on 29th September 2023

Article by the Communications, Information and Digital (CID) Department, QQ Care Centre

Every day, there are several Adopt Me! players that fallen into scams. Unfortunately, this is a common issue as shared by several Adopt Me! players on YouTube and TikTok. 

In QQ Care Centre, there are no exceptions. Here in the CID Department, we've received many reports of pets and toys that have been scammed away, including legendary items.

According to Section 11.1 (b) QQ rules Penal Code 11 Act 2020, the CID Department is responsible to provide the necessary information regarding the importance of trading safely [in ROBLOX]. 

So we're writing this article to show you several examples of scams that are common in Adopt Me! ROBLOX, along with the ways on how to protect yourself.

Most Common Scam: Pick a Door scam

Pick a Door is the most common scam report that was received by the CID Department and the most difficult way to track down the scammer.

First of all, you’re invited to be in a party to play a 'Pick a Door' game. You’re offered with two doors and you need to guess which one is the correct plate, with the word 'You win'. 

If you can guess which door with the 'You win' plate, you’ll 'win' a legendary pet.

Before you play, you need to 'pay' first, like money or a few ultra-rare pets via trading or gift.

After 'paying' them, and selecting your door, you’ll then ensure that the scammer will not switch or edit the plates, by staring at the door.

What you didn’t know is that there is a high chance you did not screenshot or screen recording. 

Let’s say, you select the correct door with the ‘You win’ plate. The scammer will open the ‘You win’ door and quickly edited it with ‘You lose’ plate.

The scammer will also open the actual ‘You lose’ door and edited it with ‘You win’ plate.

You then ended up 'losing' even if you’re 'winning'.

Right before you even say ‘YOU’RE A SCAMMER’, the scammer has left the game experience.

To make matters more worst, the scammer could be using a fake account, and the scammer will transfer all the pets they scammed into their actual account. Making you difficult to identify the scammer.

House deco scam

Scammers may offer to help you with your Adopt Me! home decorating or help raise your pet in exchange for either access to your Adopt Me! home or being able to hold onto your pet for you.

At the end, when you trade away your pet or let others access your home, the scammer might be able to steal your pet or ruin your home build in an attempt to scam you.

Unless you know the player personally, it is always best to be cautious and not accept these services.

Impersonating as an Adopt Me! staff scam

A scammer may come up to you claiming to be a member of either an Adopt Me! Staff or Uplift Games Staff (developer of Adopt Me!) asking you to give them items or claiming to give you free items in exchange for rarer ones. They may even threaten to use "Admin" commands to ban you from Adopt Me!

Neither a member of Adopt Me! staff will ask you for your items for any reason. 

You can easily identify a true member of Adopt Me! Staff or Uplift Games Staff member by their username being Purple with a purple butterfly next to it, as shown below:

Be a prudent player, trader and parent

The biggest factor of why players fallen into these scams are how they're sounded to be too good to be true. This includes old and new Adopt Me! players.

However, there are several ways to protect yourself from being scammed:

How the CID Department can help after you've been scammed

If you've been scammed by a scammer, report to us immediately here.

The CID Department will do everything that are possible to retrieve your stolen items back. Read more here.

Consequences and possibility of retrieving your stolen items

Adopt Me! currently does not offer any assistance in returning items that were lost as a result of a scam.

According to their website, it states:

Please be careful and keep your items safe; once they're gone, they're gone!

However, the CID Department will do its best of its ability to retrieve your items back. However, we do NOT guarantee that your items will be retrievable. 

As stated under Section 11.2 QQ rules Penal Code 11 Act 2020, even if the advisory stated under Section 11.1 is NOT punishable by this Penal Code Act, the CID Department has the rights to NOT be reliable on any trades that was attempted in any in-app games in “ROBLOX” that could cause the person (known as “trader”) to be:

(a) scammed,

(b) loss of money or/and items (physically or virtually),

(c) mentally emotional,

(d) sad,

(e) cried,

(f) fainted,

(g) sicked,

(h) angry, or/and

(i) in pain.

Moral Values and Conclusion

At the end of the day, if someone has been scammed by a scammer, it serves as a lesson to not easily trust strangers online. As a prudent person, we should use our rational thinking before we do something next. We should know our rights and to use them appropriately to protect ourselves, the members of QQ, the image of QQ Care Centre and our society.

For questions about the dangers of Adopt Me! trading and other inquires, please contact the CID Department at

Note: This article serves as a guideline for all of the members of QQ, and nether Adopt Me! Police, Trade on Adopt Me! nor QQ Care Centre shall be responsible for any misleading information or jurisdiction led by this article.